Business Valuation Calculator

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Business Valuation Calculator

Our business valuation calculator is a tool designed to estimate a company’s rough market value. For a more comprehensive and accurate business valuation, please contact one of our local Business Brokers for a free valuation.

Business Valuation Calculator



Company Paid Benefits


Seller's Income


Business Valuation Results

Please note, there are a lot of variables that are taken into consideration when valuing a business. If you want a more detailed and accurate business valuation, please contact us for a Free Valuation.

Businesses in this range are typically newer businesses, have higher risk profiles, or declining sales or profit trends.

You'll find business in this range have Seller's Discretionary Income that exceeds $200,000, have been in business for 3+ years and have steady operations, sales, and profit.

These businesses usually have some recurring sales revenue aspect (contracts, monthly services, etc), on a growth trajectory or has very stable profits, been in business for awhile, and typically a Seller's Discretionary Earnings that exceeds $500,000.

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